I am delighted to inform you that your painting “Bistro Kitchen” was selected by Ken Auster to receive the Best Nocturne — Plein Air or Studio award in the December 2014/January 2015 PleinAir Salon competition. As a semi-final winner, the painting will be considered for the $21,000 in cash and merchandise awards to be announced during the Plein Air Convention & Expo in April, 2015.
I want to reproduce your painting in the May, 2015 printed issue of PleinAir magazine and would appreciate it if you could send me a high-resolution photograph of the painting (300 dpi, at lest 1.5MB) and an indication of whether you still own the painting or if it now belongs to a private collector. If you want me to credit a gallery that has the painting available for purchase, please let me know that.
Many thanks,
Steve Doherty
Editor, PleinAir Magazine Hi Steve , I’m not a plein air painter but I thought you might like this article and pass it to people who might also like it . There’s also an old blog that tells others story’s ( A Travel Painting Blog ) David Frank . Thanks for your time . Gregg Fretheim